Raising Kids
Raising kids brings up all the feelings: joy, exasperation, pride, and worry (just to name a few). That's why it's important to have a toolkit of techniques for tackling both the fun and frustrating sides of parenting. When you're prepared for the curveballs that come with children'svarious stages of development, you're better able to give them what they need to stay healthy and happy as they grow.
We have ideas for navigating tough phases, planning safe andfun activities, and being savvy with tech to help kids thrive and make daily life easier.
Frequently Asked Questions
It can be. In a survey by the Zero to Three foundation, 73% of responders call parenting their biggest challenge.It's no wonder—you're dealing with added responsibilities and costs as well as modern problems like screen time battles andplanning pressures.But 91% of survey responders say parenting is also their greatest joy.The moment you see your child smile, master a skill, or discover a new passion, the hard work will feel well worth it.
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Opinions abound, but many child development experts say the key to successful parenting is being supportive in both good times and bad. That means worrying less about bolstering their skills and more aboutbuilding your bond.研究与温暖,培养教育haviors to enhanced brain development and better stress responses in kids.
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It depends on your kid! Some "easy babies" turn into challenging children, and somecolicky infantsbecome calm. A recent poll revealed that parents most commonly think kids are hardest to handle atage 8, when they want to be independent but are still prone totantrums.Toddlers and teens can be tough, too—likely because these are both stages in which rapid growth in some parts of the brain outpaces development in areas that regulate emotion, say experts.
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Kids become confident when they have opportunities to experience success and also rebound from failure.You can give them plenty of chances to do both by encouraging them totake risks, being supportive when theymake mistakes, andpraising their perseveranceabove all.
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Researchers have identified four main parenting styles: authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and uninvolved parenting.Authoritative parentingis often touted by child development experts as being the best approach because it involves setting rules and limits on kids' behavior while staying warm, loving, and communicative.
Change is hard—especially when it's going on inside of you. The teenage years are an explosive period of development, and often, kids reach physical maturity before the parts of their brain that regulate mood and impulse control are fully formed.Outbursts, grumpiness, and poor choices can result. The occasionalmood swingisn't cause for alarm if they're getting healthy food, sleep, and social connection generally, but always check in with a pediatrician if you're worried or need advice.
Learn More: How to Talk to Your Teen
Key Terms
Screen Time
Screen time refers to the number of minutes spent on tech devices—phones, tablets, gaming consoles, or computers—during the day. Kids ages 8 to 12 spend four to six hours a day using screens while teens spend up to nine hours.Though it can be enriching in moderation,too much screen timeis associated with mental health and behavior challenges.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and make judgments about information you receive. You can help children develop these important skills byencouraging their curiosity, challenging them to seek out and assess sources of information, and teaching them steps for solving problems independently.
育儿buzzwords are used as a shorthand for the latest trends in childrearing. Common buzzwords includehelicopter parenting,attachment parenting, andfree-range parenting.
Emotional Intelligence
Sometimes called EQ, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage feelings in yourself and others.Strategies for building kids' emotional intelligenceinclude encouraging group problem solving, modeling respectful behavior, and asking children to imagine what it's like to be "in other people's shoes."
Parent-Child Bond
Parent-child bond refers to how closely connected you and your child are emotionally. Research shows that developing strong bonds with your baby through warm, responsive behavior can boost早期大脑健康entand build a lasting sense of self-esteem.
Back-to-school is the annual transition, typically in August or early September, between summer break and a new academic year. In the weeks leading up to back-to-school time, reestablishingnighttime routinesandconnecting with new teachersabout your child's unique needs can help ensure a smooth transition.
Explore Raising Kids