Just like their nickname implies, tweens are caught in a middle ground between childhood and adolescence. From ages 10 to 12, children are old enough tocrave independenceandprivacy, and yet too young to make many important decisions on their own. As puberty hits, their bodies are in an in-between state, too.
Don't let their desire for distance fool you: During this time of tremendous growth and change, tweens need parents more than ever. From social challenges todating, children may be facing brand-new challenges that require your guidance and understanding. Learn how to support your son or daughter during this challenging, dynamic stage.
Frequently Asked Questions
In a word: change. Puberty, starting with the development of sex organs and pubic hair, begins as early asages 10 to 12 for boysandages 8 to 10 for girls.New hormones may come withroller-coaster moods. Their brains are undergoing a period of rapid maturation, too. Your tween may approach problems with more logic and start developing stronger opinions even as they sometimes act impulsively—the part of their brain governing self-control isn't fully formed until later.
Learn More: Defining the Tween Years for Parents -
Some tweens likesports, others appreciate the arts, but nearly all gravitate toward some form of digital entertainment. A recent survey found that tweens log an average of four-and-a-half hours per day watching videos, playing games, andinteracting on social media.The impulse to be online is tied to their skyrocketingsocial awareness.Tweens craveconnection with friendsmore and more, so it's good to give them plenty of opportunities to socialize, offline or on.
Learn More: Fun Indoor Activities for Tweens -
根据皮尤研究中心的一项调查,61%的tweens and teens feel pressure to get good grades.Meanwhile, 29% worry about their appearance and 28% are concerned aboutfitting in socially. Offering totalk to your tweenabout their worries will give them comfort, even if they don't always come to you with their problems.
Learn More: How to Stay Connected with Your Tween or Teen -
Beat boredom by signing up your tween for one or moreextracurricular activities, where they can follow budding passions in sports, dance, art, or music. Summer doldrums can be solved by a greatovernight camporenrichment program. But it's important not to overschedule your tween. Havingfree timeto read, doodle, or— yes—even scroll on their phone can be good for their mental health.
Learn More: How to Help Children Entertain Themselves -
Not every teen will go to a parent with their problems, so it's important to be on the lookout for signs of distress. One in five teens has a mental health challenge, according to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill.Some signs that your teen may be troubled include being sad or withdrawn for more than two weeks, drastic swings in mood or behavior,substance abuse, ortalk of self-harm.
Learn More: Advice for Parents Dealing With a Troubled Teen -
It's normal for teens to push boundaries in a quest for independence, but frequently being disrespectful or displaying disruptive behavior is a different story.Some strategies to help difficult teens include praising what they're doing well,ignoring antagonistic behavior, and enforcing logical andnatural consequences(taking away their phone if they have used it inappropriately, for instance).
Learn More: Teen Discipline: Strategies and Challenges
Key Terms
Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones refer to the physical changes, cognitive leaps, and social skills that children typically acquire by a certain age.Pediatricians使用里程碑作为一种衡量你的child's development is on track.
Puberty is an important stage when children become sexually mature through the growth of reproductive organs and other body parts and the development of certain hormones. Typically,girls go through pubertybetween ages 10 and 14 andboys go through pubertybetween ages 12 and 16.
Identity Foreclosure
A psychological term to help explain how people come to "find themselves," identity foreclosure is when children adopt certain qualities and traits without thinking deeply about their motivations to do so.Identity foreclosure is common in tweens, whereasidentity achievementmay come later in adolescence.
Sociometric Status
Sociometric status is a term researchers use to describe how kids are viewed by their peers. Tweens and teens often fall within one of five measures of sociometric status: rejected, neglected, average, popular, and controversial.Teaching kids healthy social skillsmay help them navigate painful periods or shifts when it comes to sociometric status.
Independence refers to the progressive freedom that children have to make decisions about the way they live their life and formulate their beliefs. Letting go ofoverparenting impulsesso your child develops some measure of independence is an important step in their tween and teen years.
Social Rejection
Social rejection happens when a child is actively disliked orexcluded by their peers. Rejection can stem from your child having adevelopmental disabilityor being of adifferent race or backgroundthan most kids. It's important to send the message to socially rejected kids that no one deserves to be excluded and they have a lot to offer the world.
Explore Tweens